Most of the time the home loan industry can be a serious and sometimes frustrating business – perhaps at times even a little over the top too serious. I know Easter Friday still seems a little way off so to help ease you through the next four days, here’s a corny joke to help keep a smile on your face and in your head until 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon.
After all of the issues that were caused through the sub-prime loan market in the USA and the Northern Rock debacle in England, Japan has now been hit with uncertainty.
Over the last week the Origami Bank has folded, additionally the Sumo Bank went totally belly up and the Bonsai Bank is considering options on how best to cut a whole lot of its branches.
Yesterday, the Karaoke Bank said that they were going to put the bank up for sale and were willing to let it go for a song.
During today the Kamakazi Banks shares did a nosedive and have now been suspended.
Although they have suffered some severe cutbacks the Samurai bank are still soldiering on
Even though they took a pretty good hit the Ninja Bank are saying they still remain well into the black.
Unfortunately though, the Karate Bank had to give 500 of their staff the chop and after some extensive investigation analysts are reporting there seems to be something quite fishy happening at the Sushi Bank where staff are in all likelihood getting a very raw deal.
from Master Mortgage Broker Sydney
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